Our School » Welcome Message

Welcome Message


Shenandoah is proud to offer students a well-rounded education, with course offerings that include the traditional core subjects of Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science, as well as opportunities for students to discover Agriculture, Business, Technology, the Arts, Physical Education, and Career Training. Qualifying students can earn College credit through Advanced Placement, Ivy Tech, and Indiana University.


In addition to our competitive athletic teams, we have one of the State's most successful FFA Programs, an active Band and Choir, as well as many school sponsored and student led clubs.


Shenandoah High School has the best faculty and staff in the state of Indiana. The teachers truly enjoy coming to work every day and do what is necessary for the students of SHS. The parents and community are extremely supportive of their schools, which is evident at our athletic events, contests, and school functions. Most importantly, we have great students who are a joy to work with every day.


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